Photo Gallery(Top row, left to right): KJAK's charter members; Junior with Polynesian tattoo which translates: "We should have had Japanese food rather than hamburgers"; JA juggling; DK the DJ; Hawaiians from Nashville??; Grandpa. (Second row, left to right): Maggi and Aunty Fluff; Squash; PJ's father; Melissa; Taylor; Mr. Orona. (Third row, left to right): Sweet Daisy; DK the DJ and family; JA and family; P. Vernon and FiFi; DK the DJ with a light snack; Hawaii Five-0 sunset. (Fourth row, left to right): COD 1984 3A LA City Champions; Fluffy on Glacier Point; Grandpa blessing Junior, Gas Crawford, DK the DJ, and Jim B.; P. Vernon, Roger Dodger, Pastor, DK the DJ, and Grandpa at Pastor's wedding (May 8, 1982); Roger Dodger's bachelor party dinner (1983); Big Joe maintaining KJAK Radio's vehicle fleet. (Fifth row, left to right): New Year's Eve (Guys); New Year's Eve (Gals); High Desert Classic (late 1980's); KJAK's yearly luau; Fluffy and Grandpa with his banjos; Grandpa with Homer Treeloggin. (Sixth row, left to right): Junior, P. Vernon, Fluffy and DK the DJ; Roger Dodger's wedding (1983); DK the DJ letting loose on the organ (1977); Grandpa's 40th birthday; Romeo looking over Fluffy's shoulder; DK the DJ tackles "Yogurts and Apple." (Seventh row, left to right): DK, P. Vernon and the Pastor discover a dump site (July 2003); the Pastor doesn't know which way is up in juggling (July 2003); Kristen, Greg, and Dee Dee react at being able to order anything from the menu (July 2003); the majestic Aloha Tower (July 2003); P. Vernon and Greg imitate two suave gents (July 2003); Kim, DK, and Fluffy hit the hard stuff (Passion Guava Juice) (July 2003). KJAK Radio 939 FM's photo gallery will include photos of KJAK's members, friends and fans, complete with a brief history of each photo. If you have a photo you wish to have considered for posting, please send it to us.
This site was last updated 02/06/17 |